
If you have a teen, teaching the Bible is crucial.




In the great mixing bowl of life, these things don’t always seem to blend together very well—or that often. But they should!

Any person of faith would agree that the regular study of God’s Word is vital for our faith. But when it comes to consistently reading the Bible with a teen son or daughter and engaging them in spiritual discussions, many parents stay away from this subject altogether.

If you have a teen, it is your spiritual duty and privilege—yes, even great joy!—to dive into Scripture together on a regular basis.

For some, this might sound like a daunting task. If that’s you, take heart! God’s Word provides us with purpose and hope, and God equips us for the task.

  1. Scripture provides the true worldview.

Have you ever pondered any of the following questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What’s my purpose in life?
  • What’s the origin of the universe?
  • What’s right and wrong, and who       defines it?

Of course you have. We all have. These questions are foundational to the human experience. Teens are starting to ask these questions, too. They’re entering a life stage where existential thoughts are developing and worldviews are forming.

They’re also perhaps at their most vulnerable phase—seeking answers, questioning boundaries, craving acceptance, and fearing rejection. While not as trusting as younger children, their values and belief systems are still like an unfinished artistic canvas, open to inspiration.

It’s imperative for us to insert the absolute truth of God’s Word into a teen’s quest for understanding. If Scripture doesn’t shape their worldview, something else will.

  1. Scripture is God-breathed and unchanging.

In a world that is constantly (and often dangerously) in flux, isn’t it good to know God’s Word is unchanging? That’s because God Himself is unchanging (Malachi 3:6). God’s Word is more permanent than the universe itself. Scripture is divinely inspired. God authored it, so it’s fully trustworthy.

We can assure our teens that when they follow God’s Word, they are building their lives on spiritual bedrock that can weather any of life’s tempests.

  1. This is your God-given responsibility.

That’s because, as a parent or spiritual caretaker, you’ve received a sacred commission: to love God with your whole being and proclaim His glory to the next generation.

The origins of this command are found in the great Shema (ancient Hebrew for “hear”) passage of Deuteronomy 6:4–9, where God told Israel: “These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (v. 6–7).

The Shema’s call is just as pertinent for us today as it was more than three thousand years ago. A parent’s role as a child’s primary spiritual shepherd is not to be farmed out, either purposefully or through neglect.

God’s design is for spiritual instruction to come mainly within the family context (Psalm 78:4, Proverbs 22:6).

  1. God wants the generations to know His truth.

While we think too often in finite, limited fashion, God is eternal, and He thinks as such. He wants His truth passed down through generations.

Psalm 78:4 says, “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might, and the wonders that He has done.”

It’s not just about our teens; it’s about the generations they will affect. We need to enlarge our perspective to align with God’s amazing blessings!

  1. You’ll grow, too! 

Any teacher will tell you they learn more by teaching, just as a writer improves by writing. As you help your teen grow in their faith, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you’ll grow in yours.

And let’s face it: What better way is there to bond with your teen than around the Word of God?

Time to get started 

As you travel this journey with your teen, don’t forget: Remember God’s wonderful promise in Isaiah 55:11: “So shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”


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