
Hospital Group Teams With Marvel Comics To Honor Nurses

As the COVID-19 pandemic spikes, nurses are on the front lines at hospitals across America. To salute these brave professionals, Allegheny Health Network sought out the publication professionals at Marvel Comics to produce “The Vitals: True Nurse Stories,” a free online comic that looks at the dedication and heart of these medical professionals giving their all to save patients as the pandemic sends thousands of Americans to hospitals and often intensive care.

In a news release, Allegheny says:

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been in awe of the courage and resourcefulness of our nurses, who put their own health at risk to care for these vulnerable patients,” said Claire Zangerle, DNP, Chief Nurse Executive, AHN. “We are so proud of them, and we want to make sure they know how much we appreciate their exceptional work. We hope that in seeing themselves as real Marvel Comics superheroes, they can take a moment to look back in pride on their exceptional work and compassion during an exceptionally difficult time for our communities.”

See the online comic book here

In addition, a video was created featuring the children of AHN nurses talking about their parents:


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