Good News

Do any South Jersey folks have musical instruments just collecting dust

Do any South Jersey folks have musical instruments just collecting dust in your home that you would love to give to a blessed cause?🎵🎶🎹

If so, please contact Cantor Scott Borsky. He would love to have these instruments for my Cantor Scott’s Charities. They do not have to be in perfect shape, new or shiny.🎻🎺🎷🎸

Below, on the harp, is Mia. Mia is one of the latest musical recipients from Cantor Scott’s Charities.

Before quarantine, Mia was wonderfully donated a beautiful harp. She was even able to squeeze in a couple of lessons prior to the quarantine. Mia has been practicing and this photo was from her first performance for the online music appreciation course she’s taking.❤️🎶❤️


Cantor Borsky has always been very inspired by the Karnofsky Foundation in New Orleans, named after a wonderful Jewish family that loved, guided and mentored a young boy named Louis Armstrong. It’s a wonderful story, which is why Armstrong wore a Jewish star his whole life. Plus Benny Goodman, who grew up in extreme poverty, received music lessons at his local synagogue and fought daily and endlessly against racial segregation.

Each season he personally sponsors a young child in our South Jersey area with music lessons that his/her family simply can not afford. Now as winter soon begins, he wants to continue with another child. If anyone knows such a family with a musically inclined child, please contact him at 267-971-8799 or🎶❤️🎶


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