Bars and restaurants in the US reserve tables for the 13 US soldiers killed in the Kabul attack

Several businesses in different US cities have paid tribute to the 13 US servicemen who died this Thursday in the attack near the Kabul airport.

Thus, in bars and restaurants, tables and 13 beers have been reserved for the deceased. Images of these actions have been shared on the networks.

Although the campaign involves losses, several owners feel compelled to honor the memory of the soldiers. In an interview with USA Today, Niko Moulagianis, a restaurant owner in Royalton, Ohio, described her conversation with the manager: “She said to me, ‘You do realize it’s Friday night, right?’ I replied, ‘Yes, but do you realize that these people will never see their families again?’ Moulagianis added that he will donate a dollar to the victims’ families for each beer served through September 11.

At New York’s First Line Brewery, customers have donated nearly $ 2,000 to military families since Friday.

“It’s great to see that our community supports the soldiers and their affected families. We want them to know that at least we are here for them in whatever way small or large they need,” commented co-owner of the business, Michael Maiorana.

Not only restaurant businesses have joined the campaign. For example, the Amstel Barbershop in the state of Delaware reserved a chair in honor of those killed in the attack. Again, “Someone lost a part of their family that they will never get back. Drawing 13 beers to honor the lives of those soldiers is the least any American can do right now,” said owner Robert Allen.


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